34 : Back on track

The man that said that, the man who's standing in front of us was Felix.

" Yo-you're alive...! "

Shino said.

" Kind of? "

He laughed.

" Felix? Pal you're alive! "

Tobi rushed towards him and smiled.

" Thanks for saving me bud. "

He added.

" What happened? You got these crutches too huh. "

Felix asked him.

" Yeah, I kinda broke some bones but it'll be alright in no time! "

He answered.

" Anyways, I'll be discussing the plans with you. "

I said and we went near the stairs.

" So, it's nice to that you're saved Felix. "

I said and tapped his back.

" Alright so, all of us will go at a certain location where weapons are buried at the ground. If we were able to locate it, Raymond will help us to get our base back. "

I explained.

" Mhmmm. Understood, I'll prepare my things then. "

He said.

" Huh? No, you're not coming with us. You need to recover and when we're back, we'll go back to our home. "

I replied.

" But I want to come. I wanna help you guys- "

He was trying to make me agree but I stopped him.

" Shush, no buts. "

I said.

" Just wait here and we'll do the work. "

I added.

" Well I can't say no to you can I? "

He laughed and stood up.

" I'll talk to you later, you can go back to the room and rest again. "

I said.

" Will do Chris, it's nice to be back on track. "

He smiled and went back at the medical room.

* It's nice to be back Felix. I'll definitely get our base back. *

" Oh hey there Chris! "

Samantha approached me.

" Hey...how are you? "

I asked her.

" I'm good. Still preparing stuffs and getting ready. "

She answered.

" Thank god, Felix's alive. "

I told her.

" I'll probably visit him later. Here, take this. "

She handed me a chocolate bar and I hid it inside my pocket.

" Thank you Sam. You should probably go visit him. "

I smiled.

" Yeah I'll be going now. See ya! "

She said and went to visit Felix.

I closed my eyes trying to rest.

{ Felix's POV }

15 Minutes Earlier

I went back to the medical room and saw Shila looking down.

" Hey...what's wrong? "

I asked her.

" Nothing. "

She looked at me and I saw her teary eyes.

" Something's wrong for sure. It's alright, tell me. "

I went towards her and sat in my bed beside her.

" I'm happy that you're safe.. "

She smiled.

I grabbed her by her shoulders and let her head rest on my shoulders.

" I am too, but something's bothering you and I know that for sure. "

I whispered at her ears.

" Well...when you guys get those stuffs..you guys will go back to your base and I'll be alone here again.... "

She answered.

* Chris needs me but I love Shila. I can't just leave someone that I love. *

" I won't ever leave you. Chris is a wise man and I know that he can manage to lead our base alone. I love you Shila. "

I whispered right at her ears and looked at her eyes.

" I..I love you too Felix... "

She replied.

Our eyes both met and she stood up.

" I need to continue my work now.. "

She said and turned back.

I grabbed her arms and I turned her in front of me.

" Hm? "

She asked.

I pulled her and kissed her.

{ Samantha's POV }

" I'm going in! "

I announced.

Once I opened the door, I saw something that I didn't expected.

Felix and Shila were kissing.

" Woah! "

I screamed.

" I'll just wait outside- "

I said then I walked back near the door.

They both stopped and Shila went in front of me blocking the door.

" No no! We're sorry for what you saw... "

She said.

" All good for me..I can wait back outside if you guys want me to? "

I asked.

" No don't. I'll be going outside to grab some supplies. "

Shila smiled.

" But I thought all you need were already here right? "

I asked her.

" Uh I need some hot tea so see you! "

She opened the door and went outside.

* Heh. *

I looked back at Felix.

" Uh I'm sorry..it's my fault. "

He said.

" No it's normal. "

I replied.

I grabbed an apple from the table and threw it at Felix.

" You're welcome. Anyways, how are you feeling? "

I asked him.

" I'm feeling better now I guess. But I kinda feel useless because I can't come with you guys. "

He explained.

" Well it's for the best. Don't worry, Chris will definitely succeed and get his base back. "

I announced.

" Mhmm. You're right about that. "

He replied.

" I'll be going now then. "

I said and went to open the door.

" Well you see... "

He whispered.

* Huh? *

" What? "

I asked.

" Can you please close the door first? "

He said.

I closed it and went near him.

" Well you see...I haven't decided yet if I'll be coming back from our base.. "

He whispered.

" Huh? Why? Chris needs you- no every people needs you. "

I explained.

" Well, I don't wanna leave Shila alone. She's got a big role here and she can't come with us you know? "

He said.

" I don't know what you are planning but- just talk to Chris about this instead. "

I suggested and sighed.

" I will, I'm just waiting for the right time. Please let me explain it to him. "

He begged.

" I won't say anything. Don't worry I'm not like the bad guy here. "

I laughed.

" Thank you so much. "

He said and I went back outside.

" See ya. "

I closed the door then went back to Chris.

* Oh, he's already sleeping. *

I sat beside him and saw Christopher's friend.

" Chino? "

I asked him while he's approaching us.

" Shino. "

He corrected me and leaned at the wall.

" So will you come with us? "

I asked him.

" I will, I don't wanna be a burden on Chris. I want to help him. "

He answered.

" Well this might come handy. "

I handed him a box of bullets.

" Thank you Samantha, this will really help. "

He said and smiled.

" No worries. "

I said.

" So, you got a girlfriend? "

I asked him.

" Hmm, not really. I don't. But there's a girl that I admire. "

He said and saw his face turning red.

" Ah, what's her name? "

I asked him.

" Well she got a nice name, it's Monica. "

He answered.

" Oh, I see. When we're back at the base, she'll be yours for sure. "

I said and smiled.

" I hope so. "

He whispered and sat down.

" Goodnight. "

I said and I closed my eyes.

" I'm sorry Samantha...I couldn't protect you.. "

Someone whispered.

* Huh? I already slept? *

I opened my eyes and saw Chris at my arms.


He looked at me and smiled.

" Thank you...for everything. I'm grateful...that I was able to meet you again.. I...love..you... "

He said and his eyes closed slowly.


I shouted as loud as I can but lights turned on and I saw an empty place.

We were inside an empty room.

" HELP!! "