39 : Consequences

{ Felix's POV }

* I don't know.. It's too late for me to change my mind. *

I looked outside and saw some movements on the forest.

" Hey Tobi, they aren't heading there right? "

I asked him.

" No, they're supposed to go straight for hours as far as I know. "

He answered.

* Huh..? Then that's not them.. *

I grabbed a binoculars and saw a lot of vehicles going to our place.

" Holy...shit. "

{ Chris' POV }

* Why did they stopped moving...? *

" Goddamn... "

I heard Ramon's voice.

" Oi, what's the matter? "

Raymond asked.

" Immature Bloater. "

Ramon answered.

" Then there's a bloater here? "

Raymond asked him.

" Yes. We need to be carefu- "

Ramon was speaking while one of the vehicles exploded.

« Hey boss! There's a bloater that is attacking us. Vehicle B down! We need backup! Over. »

" We're coming! Just hang in there for a bit! Over. "

Raymond said and Ramon removed the stucked bloater.

* I'm confused as hell on what's happening right now. I don't even know what it looks like..is it huge? *

" Hey what's a bloater? "

Shino asked Dustin.

" Well it's basically an infected but triple the size of it. It also brings some of its pets also known as runners. It's huge but it's slow. It's harder to kill than a normal infected though. "

Dustin answered.

We stopped and Raymond opened the door and went outside.

I opened the door and Ramon stopped me.

" Just watch. "

He said.

{ Raymond's POV }

I saw the bloater attacking my men and few of them died.

* I'm gonna mess this bastard so bad. I'll make him pay for what he did. *

I took my shotgun out and approached it.

« Boss! Please save us... »

The bloater saw me and it rushed towards me.

* Good...come here you monster. *

It attacked me and I almost got hit.

I hopped in its head but it suddenly screamed like its calling for some help.

Runners showed up and I hopped down because the runners are chasing me.

I pulled my dagger and stabbed a runner in the eyes and I grabbed its head and I slammed it at the ground and smashed it.

Then another one jumped behind me and I pulled the trigger on time before it bit me.

All of my men finished the other runners.

« You're so good at this boss! »

One of my man was talking but suddenly, the bloater grabbed it and ripped him in half.

« Holy shit! Get back in the car! Boss will handle this situation alone! »

I aimed the shotgun at the bloater and I fired.

It seems like the bloater didnt feel anything at all. It grabbed my gun and crushed it like a piece of glass.

I looked at Ramon and alarmed him to start driving.

I grabbed an explosive from my bag.

" Open the door Chris! "

I shouted.

I heard the door opened and I hopped in the bloater's back and smashed the explosive in its back.

I rushed at the vehicle and entered.

" Drive faster! "

I said.

The bloater exploded right after I entered the car.

{ Ramon's POV }

* Damn... he's too good at this. We'll be the top group in no time. *

I continued driving for hours.

" Vehicle B's down. It means that the head count is 14. "

I said.

" Right. If the bloater didn't attacked us, our chance of winning later is higher. "

Raymond replied.

" Are we there yet? "

Dustin asked.

" Be patient you brat. We're not even close to our target location. "

I answered.

" But I'm starting.. "

He whispered.

I stopped driving and went outside.

I opened the door and dragged him out.

" Choose. You stop talking and I'll let you in again or I'll leave you here alone. "

I said.

" I... I'm sorry.. "

Dustin replied.

Both of us went back in.

" You're too angry Ramon. Chill out. "

Shino said.

Raymond looked at me and I stopped talking.

* Annoying brats... *

{ Tobi's POV }

" What's up, can I borrow that too? "

I asked Felix.

He handed me the binoculars and I checked too.

" What? There's nothing there pal. "

I said and I handed the binoculars back at him.

" Wait, I'm sure that I saw some vehicles heading this way though... "

He whispered.

" You're just tripping. Go take some rest. "

I said.

" Yeah... I'm probably going crazy. "

He replied.

I saw Shila went outside the medical room.

" I'll be going now Felix. Talk to you later. "

I said and I went outside.

I saw Morin standing outside.

" Hey, what are you doing here? "

I asked her.

" I'm just chilling here. You need something? "

She replied.

" No, I'm good. I just want some fresh air. "

I said.

" Then don't bother me. "

Morin said and she went further away.

* What a crazy girl. *

" Yes. What a crazy girl she is. "

Someone spoke.

" Huh..? Oh hey Rodney. "

I said.

" So those annoying crutches are gone now huh? You recovered fast didn't ya? "

He laughed.

" Yeah I guess I did. "

I replied.

" So why were you talking with Morin? "

He asked me.

" Oh I just asked her why she's out here. That's all. "

I answered.

" That girl is crazy. She supports Raymond being the leader but I think that she's not loyal to him or to anyone. "

He whispered.

" I thought she's so loyal to Raymond though. "

I said.

" You're wrong then. I suggest that you be careful with the others. "

He said.

" I'll be going now. Take care mate. "

He added.

When I was about to go back inside, I saw Morin again.

* Huh...is she talking to someone? *

I hid at the side so I can spy on them.

" Yes. Raymond and the others isn't here. "

I heard Morin.

* What the hell? *

I went back inside the building.

Someone was standing at the stairs and they approached me.

" What... what the hell do you want? "

I asked them.

" You. "

Morin said.

I looked behind me and saw Morin and a lot of people behind her.

" Wh-what is this Morin? "

I asked her.

" Hmm... I'll explain it to you when we get there. "

She answered.

" What do you mean- "

I asked her again then someone covered my face.

* I don't wanna die yet... *