40 : Traitor

{ Chris' POV }

* It's been almost five days already. Few more hours and we'll be there. *

" Hey Shino, are you starving? "

I asked him.

" No, not really. But Dustin is. "

He replied.

I opened my bag and took the energy bar.

" Here, take this. "

I said and I handed it to Dustin.

" Thank you so much. "

He said.

* I don't really have to do anything for now because I saw Raymond fought the bloater and he's so good. I bet that he can handle this alone. So I might just take some rest for now because I'll be fighting when we get there. *

{ Felix's POV }

* This is strange. I haven't seen Tobi for days now.. *

" Hey, have you seen Tobi? "

I asked someone.

" No, not really. Is he dead? "

The person replied.

" No, no. Thank you for answering. "

I said and I went to look for him.

* Where the hell is he..? *

I went outside.

* He's not here either... *

I went back upstairs and went to Shila.

" Oh hi there Felix. "

She greeted.

" Hey Shila, do you know where Tobi is? "

I asked her.

" Oh sorry but no I don't. "

She answered.

* Oh god. *

" Alright. Let me know if he go here. "

I said.

I grabbed a hunting rifle and I went outside.

* I'm going at the place where I saw the vehicles. *

It started to rain.

* I should've brought a lamp with me. I can't see at the dark while it's raining. *

I squeezed at the trees and then I saw a lot of people.

* What the hell are they doing here...why are they camping here. *

I crouched so I won't be seen.

* I need to be careful so I won't get caught. *

Then I saw something familiar.

* Wait... isn't that the White Horse...? *

{ Raymond's POV }

" Finally, we're almost here. "

I announced.

« Sir, we're already here. We'll be waiting for you. Over. »

" Alright. Standby and wait for us. Over. "

I replied.

After a few minutes, we arrived.

" We're here. "

Ramon announced.

{ Chris' POV }

* Finally. *

I opened the door and we went outside.

" So that's the base huh. "

Shino said.

" Yes, but you and Dustin will be staying here to guard Samantha. "

I replied.

" No, no, no. Let me come with you, please. "

Shino begged.

" I'm not gonna let you come with me. It's too dangerous out there, I don't want you getting shot or worse, dying. So just listen to me and stay here. "

I said.

" But- "

" No buts Shino. Just stay here. "

I stopped him.

I closed the door and locked it.

* I won't let anyone die anymore. Some of my friends already died and it's enough. *

We gathered at the corner and set up a small camp.

Some of Raymond's men went to scout the place.

" So we'll attack at dawn. Few more hours and we'll start digging. "

Raymond said.

He pulled something from his bag and it was the map.

" So we'll go here which is the vehicle a and we'll attack the people, while the vehicle c will go behind the base and they'll start digging. "

Raymond pointed at the map.

His men went back to our place and reported.

" Boss, it's so quiet. It's like there's no one living at that place. "

The man said.

" What? That's not possible. They're supposed to be there guarding all over the place. "

Ramon said.

* Strange. Something's up. *

" Let's check it out then. "

Raymond said and he stood up.

The three of us went to check the place and the other group went to the back and they started digging.

We saw the entrance and there's no one guarding at the tower.

" This is very strange. They're supposed to be showing up now and start interrogating us but there's no sign of them and they might not show up anytime now. "

Raymond said.

" Let's head inside? "

I asked them.

" You shut your mouth. Just wait for Raymond's order. "

Ramon said.

" Yes, you're right let's head in. "

He said.

He opened the gate and it's so dead inside.

" What the hell... it's too quiet. "

I whispered.

* This might be a trap but where the hell are they...? *

" Let's go inside that building. "

Raymond said.

" Are you sure boss? "

Ramon asked him.

Raymond pulled his gun out.

I took my gun out too and we went in.

{ Tobi's POV }

* Shit...I got caught... *

I can hear them all and it's too noisy.

« This place will be ours soon! »

« mwahahaha... we'll take advantage while the reaper isn't here.. »

" Alright. They're already there, release the infecteds. "

Someone ordered them.

* Wh-what...? *

" It seems like you're already awake huh? "

Morin removed the cover in my face.

" You...fucking traitor... "

I whispered.

" What? I'm just being smart. "

She said.

Then someone approached us.

" Hey Morin. Here's your chance to kill the reaper. "

The man handed her a controller.

* What the hell...is that? *

I looked at it and she pressed a button.

" Sweet hahahaha... "

She whispered.

" Hey...what are you doing..? "

I asked her.

" Just watch and enjoy. HAHAHAHAHA! "

She opened the television and all I can see is a dark place with a small light bulb at the ceiling.

While I was looking at the television, I saw someone moving at the forest.

* Now who's that...? Another enemy..? *

" Hey! I said just enjoy! "

Morin shouted at me.

" But there's nothing to watch... "

I answered.

" You impatient bastard. Just wait alright! This controller isn't working. "

She said.

* Idiot. *

Then I saw the figure moving to the side.

I looked at it more and more and saw Felix.

* Oh thank god. *

I was about to say something then Morin started cheering.

" Yes..YES YES!!! "

She screamed.

" Now sit back and relax! "

She added.

* What the hell is up with her... *

She moved the controller and I saw Raymond, Ramon and Chris.

* Holy shit... that's Chris and the others.. *

" Behold! The Roboloater! "

She screamed.

" Lower your voice, Morin. "

The man said.

" Sorry. "

Morin replied.

She looked at me and smiled.

" Let's kill the reaper tonight. "

She whispered.