Behind the Scenes

"Goddess Lin?"

He couldn't see her face very well when he was rescuing her, but now that he got a good look he realized the injured driver was actually Yu Lin. Her hair stuck to her head as blood seemed to be escaping, dripping down her forehead. If she didn't have medical assistance then she would die pretty soon.

Lin Shen tried to heal her. He placed his right palm onto her head where the injury seemed to be, and controlled his Life Flame Qi to heal her. Sweat formed on his head as he concentrated solely on healing her, worried that his inexperience might end up killing her. He didn't want to kill someone while trying to heal them after all.

'Why was she driving so recklessly?'

Fatty Qiu came up to him and looked at the girl. "Wow, such a beautiful girl was behind that wheel. Indeed one shouldn't judge a book by its cover." Fatty Qiu admonished her before looking at Lin Shen. "Eh, Brother Lin, have you fallen in love with her? You've been staring at her for awhile now."

Lin Shen shook his head. "No, she's a classmate of mine."

Yu Lin driving recklessly should've been the least likely situation to have occurred. He wondered what happened to her.

"Right, have you called the ambulance?"

"Don't worry, they're on their way."

"Ok good. Could you talk on my behalf if I'm asked questions? You know what I'm like."

Fatty Qiu patted his chest. "Alright, you can leave it to me."

Wee Woo! Wee Woo!

The blaring sounds of an ambulance resounded as it came towards their direction, guided by the light of the fire.

When the ambulance stopped, paramedics got off the vehicle and came towards them.

"Are you the one who called the ambulance? What's the situation?" One paramedic asked them.

Fatty Qiu pointed at Yu Lin. "We found her car crushed under the tree. Her head seems to be bleeding as well."

"Alright, we'll handle it from here." They placed Yu Lin on the stretcher and carried her to the ambulance truck.

"We're gonna need the firemen on the scene." A paramedic spoke into his radio before coming towards them. "Do any of you know the girl? We need someone to testify for her identity."


Fatty Qiu was about to volunteer but Lin Shen stopped him. He pointed at himself and said, "I'm her classmate." Fatty Qiu wouldn't be able to answer all their questions if he went, so it was better for him to go instead.

"Alright, please come with me." Lin Shen complied and was guided to the passenger seat of the ambulance truck.

It wasn't long before the vehicle took off into the distance towards the nearest hospital.


"How did the plan go?" A tall man asked the other person on the phone.

The other person on the phone answered with a hoarse voice. "It's a failure. She was rescued by a young man. The ambulance is taking her to the hospital now."

The hoarse man stood on the roof of a building where he could see the scene of the incident without being seen.

"Damn it!" The tall man frustratedly slammed his hands on his desk, his face flushed. "Just retreat from there for now. I'll deal with the aftermath, but get me information on that young man."

"Alright." The phone then cut off.

"Sigh." The tall man was disappointed with the current situation. His plan to take over the company was a failure. The chairman's daughter was still alive, that lucky old geezer.

No matter. He still had a few options left, just that he needed to exercise more caution this time.

He picked up the phone and dialed a number. It took a few minutes before the call was answered.

"Secretary Wang, what's so urgent for you to call me in the middle of the night?" A grumpy voice transmitted through the phone.

The tall man known as Secretary Wang cried out in a panicked voice. "C-chairman! Your daughter! She's been caught in a car accident!"

Sounds of scrambling and rustling came from the other side of the phone before they stopped. "What happened to my daughter?! Where is she now?" The Chairman was anxious as he moved his aged body to the garage.

"She's headed to…" Secretary Wang told the Chairman the address of the hospital that Yu Lin was being taken to.

Sounds of the Chairman ordering his people could be heard. It was safe to assume he was rushing to the hospital.

Before the call was cut, the Chairman told Secretary Wang to come to the hospital as well.

"Damn it!" Secretary Wang reverted back to his true self once the call was disconnected.

Honestly, his acting was very professional. He had gone from a cursing man to a concerned Secretary very quickly. The Chairman wasn't even able to tell since he was too anxious about his daughter.

Anyway, he had to do his part. Secretary Wang left his office and entered his car, before driving towards the hospital.


H City Hospital, Emergency Department.

Yu Lin was immediately rushed through the long corridors of the hospital towards the emergency room. The door immediately closed after her entry and the sign lit up in red.

A hospital staff member came to ask Lin Shen some questions about Yu Lin, to which he answered honestly, although he did stutter here and there.

The hospital staff left soon after with an annoyed look on her face.

Lin Shen just sat down on the nearest seat to rest. The adrenaline was slowly decreasing and his mind could think clearly, thus he was back to his regular old self.

'Goddess Lin's family should've gotten the news already with their network of connections. They should be here any minute.'

Speak of the devil, and he will come.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

The Chairman of Yu Conglomerate, Yu Jinbo, anxiously rushed into the hospital ward. Secretary Wang followed after him.

"Where's my daughter?!"

"Sir, please don't shout in the hospital. It'll disrupt the patients." A young nurse nearby tried to dissuade him. She was pushed aside as Yu Jinbo was too worried about his daughter's safety.

When the nurse was pushed aside, she tripped and lost her balance. She was about to crash onto the floor when a strong hand grabbed her. She looked at the owner and blushed, her heart frantically beating.

'So handsome…'

It was Secretary Wang who held her up. His tall stature, handsome face, and confident strides made him popular among the ladies. He also wasn't that old, just approaching his thirties.

Secretary Wang smiled as he looked at the young nurse. "Are you okay, Miss? I'm sorry about my boss, he's just worried about his daughter."

The young nurse just meekly nodded, her face still red.

Lin Shen looked at this, a little jealous. 'It's like a scene straight out of the movies.'

With her footing stable, Secretary Wang stopped flirting with her and caught up with his boss. Yu Jinbo was still asking for his daughter, but the only people in this corridor were the nurses, themselves, and Lin Shen.

Yu Jinbo quickly went up to Lin Shen. "Young man, have you seen my daughter? She's about your age, has long blonde hair, and is beautiful."

Lin Shen nodded, then pointed towards the emergency room. Yu Jinbo saw the emergency room and was filled with dread. The light was still on, which meant if Yu Lin was still there, then her condition wasn't stable yet.

He anxiously grabbed Lin Shen's collar. "Is she okay? How long has she been in there?!"

To this, Lin Shen only frowned. Such a method was extremely rude, no matter how anxious you were. He was about to remove his hand when Secretary Wang came up.

"Chairman, I just asked the nurses here. It seems she was only recently rushed into the room. Chairman shouldn't be worried. The doctors will be out soon."

"You better be right." Yu Jinbo released Lin Shen's collar and opted to wait as well, intently staring at the door at the end of the corridor with a red sign.

'No apologies?'

Secretary Wang politely bowed to Lin Shen before scurrying over to his boss.

'What, trying to bribe me with a smile? I'm not interested in men.' Lin Shen's opinions of these people immediately dropped to a low degree. While waiting for the sign to go off, he kept cursing them in his head but kept a poker face.

Soon, the red light went off and an old doctor exited the room. He swept away his sweat before looking around the room.

"Who here knows the patient, Miss Yu Lin, 18, blonde hair, a bea-"

"Me! She's my daughter!" Yu Jinbo's wrinkly old face anxiously shouted as he stood up towards the doctor.

"Doctor, how is she doing? Is she in a serious condition?" He bombarded the doctor with a series of questions nonstop.

The doctor hurriedly raised his hand in fear of being drowned in questions. "Stop stop. Miss Yu Lin is fine. Her condition is stable right now so we are moving her to a room on a regular floor to rest."

"In fact, this whole situation is a miracle. Her injury on her head was quite severe. It looked like she shouldn't have made it to this hospital, but miraculously the injury closed up on its own, albeit just a bit. Aside from that, the only other injuries are her arms and legs. With a bit of rest, she should be able to recover."

The doctor 'patiently' answered all of Yu Jinbo's questions, while the latter was persistent. There was also the mention of the VIP unit?

Anyway, since Yu Lin was alright, Lin Shen didn't have any reason to stay anymore. He didn't have much relations with her plus her real family was here.

Lin Shen quietly left the hospital.