
She stared at that pale white ceiling above her.

It was so...sparkless.

It was just like her current situation. She awoke to this ceiling and felt nothing but emptiness. A part of her felt like something was missing, but she couldn't figure it out.

She held her hand up with grueling effort and gazed upon her bandaged arm. IV drips connected her to the system, keeping tabs on her condition.

She was in a hospital. The bed she laid on confirmed it. The medical equipment confirmed it. Even the herbal scent that lingered in the air which she couldn't quite get used to.

However, why was she in here?

Everytime that she tried to remember, some sort of pain would attack her nerves, forcing her to stop. She could vaguely remember some sort of fire, but it didn't hurt her. What kind of fire didn't burn?

She laid in her hospital bed, her legs unable to move and her arms too weak, they were barely functional. She just blankly stared at the ceiling, her appearance similar to that of a child.

Watching this painful scene, Yu Jinbo, who was in a different room monitoring her condition couldn't help but feel anguished.

"My poor daughter…" Tears threatened to gush out as his face scrunched up in pain.

The old doctor, Dr. Hu, stood beside the Chairman with a somber expression. With his long career as a doctor, he was long used to scenes such as this. However, the tragic daughter and the mourning father duo managed to make him feel the grief. He could only stand in silence as he was reminded of his own daughter.

Chairman Yu mourned his daughter who, through the monitor, looked so sweet and innocent.

The reason was because Dr. Hu had just told him that she had amnesia. Her memory had reverted back to when she was just a middle schooler, a total of six years of memory lost in one night.

It wouldn't be so bad since she still remembered who she was and that he was her father, but...six years ago was when her loving mother was still alive…

Imagine waking up to find that your mother, who sang you lullabies just last night, had disappeared. No matter where you looked, she wasn't there. Your father wouldn't be able to tell you anything since he doted on you far too much to break the news to you once again.

He had already experienced his daughter's detached self, one who sang no love for anyone. She just...minded herself? She didn't even have any close friends. Everybody she met had become an 'acquaintance'. Even her father had become one.

Now, she lost her memories of her lonely history and reverted back to her innocent self.

Did he have to make her experience all that again? By telling her that her mother was dead? That she had amnesia?

"Kua pfft!" Chairman Yu suddenly and violently coughed up blood. His frail body fell down and he collapsed.

"Chairman Yu!" Dr. Hu quickly inspected his condition before calling for help. Once help arrived, Chairman Yu was moved to a resting quarter on the same floor as his daughter.

"What a series of tragedies…"

The Chairman's only daughter had amnesia that ate away six years of her memories, while the Chairman, from the painful grief in his heart to his frail old body, had contracted heart disease. Even with medical assistance, he wouldn't live long with his already frail body.

"The Yu Conglomerate might not survive for long…"


In the Secretary's office it was dark with the curtains drawn, just a few rays of light entering through the gaps. The decor was very simple but the room size was big. There were two sofas for people to rest and a glass table for guests to share coffee with. Maybe even discuss some deals.

There was also a lone desk near the windows made of wood, with its seat occupied.

Secretary Wang sat in his cozy office chair, a pile of documents on his desk.

If one looked closely enough on the documents, they would see the name "Lin Shen" on the top. In fact, all these documents were about Lin Shen's history. The hoarse man had just sent these files a few minutes ago.

Secretary Wang was still angry whenever he thought of his failed plans. Everything was going so well. Those men were supposed to get her drunk and blackmail her or get her killed.

So, who was that young man who foiled his plans?!

Secretary Wang picked up the files and read through them carefully, making sure not to miss any details. He had a desk lamp in case he couldn't see the words in the dark

'What? He was just a social loner?'

A loner actually dared to ruin his plans.

He saw Lin Shen's picture and remembered the young man he met in the hospital. 'What was he doing there?'

Lin Shen didn't have any relations with Yu Lin, except the sole fact that they were classmates. It might just be that he was worried about his classmate, or maybe he had a crush on her.

Either way, Secretary Wang suspected that he was after the Yu Conglomerate by trying to get close to Yu Lin. Even if that wasn't true, he was still a very vengeful person.

While he was reading through the files, Secretary Wang came across Lin Shen's freshman years in high school.

"Wolf's Bane? He was already related to them?"

Things were getting interesting.


Leaving the hospital, Lin Shen had time to think to himself.

He remembered his inefficiency while saving Yu Lin. Such a dangerous situation could have gotten him killed, sued even if he failed.

His fire was plainly too weak. He needed to train more in case such a thing happens again.

Also, the matter regarding Yu Lin's crazy driving was concerning. He had smelt alcohol on her, so she was definitely drunk driving, which explained the accident.

However, why would she drink? As a smart student, she clearly knew the consequences. The fact that she didn't have any bodyguards was something that also puzzled him. Did she not have one, or did she dismiss them?

'That man…'

He remembered the secretary in the hospital. He wasn't simple. Lin Shen could sense some manipulative vibes from the man. He might be scheming for the Yu Conglomerate by endangering Yu Lin.

Lin Shen was stuck. He wasn't a detective and he didn't know Yu Lin that well. He also had Wolf's Bane to deal with first.

He was stuck between his logic and his kindness.

'No, wait. Things haven't been confirmed yet. It might not be true that he's scheming against the company. It might just be me jumping to conclusions.'

''s best if I just wait and see.' Lin Shen didn't think anymore of this matter. 'I need to get stronger. That's more important.'

Lin Shen was just about to grab a taxi home when he spotted Fatty Qiu exiting one. The latter also spotted him.

"Brother Lin, here you are. How'd it go?"

"I heard she was okay, aside from her arms and legs that just needed to recover." Lin Shen nodded.

He hopped into the taxi Fatty Qiu just came out of and told the latter to enter the car.

"HuangCheng street."

Fatty Qiu complained. "I feel like I just wasted my money coming to the hospital."

The taxi driver laughed. "Fatty, you didn't waste anything, I assure you. In fact, I'm thankful for your patron."

"Of course you're thankful, you're the one receiving the money after all!"

Lin Shen was amused by their gibberish. He just stared out the window towards the night sky. He could barely see any stars, only the moon.

The earth was really big. Everytime he looked up while moving, it felt like the sky was following him. As a kid, this was a weird mystery that he tried to solve, only to faint from dizziness.

He never tried that again after that experience.

They arrived at their stop, with Lin Shen paying for the both of them.

With the taxi driving off, Lin Shen bid goodbye to Fatty Qiu as well. The guy's house was near this area, plus the extra walk would help him.

"Alright, see ya Brother Lin."

Lin Shen arrived at his apartment and unlocked the door. His priority was to get stronger faster. He had the talent and the tool. Being lazy wouldn't save his ass.

However...he really needed to take a shower. He was all dirty from rescuing Yu Lin from the car. He could smell the sweat coming from him and a few pieces of ash. His clothes were also drenched in places where it usually was for men who just worked up a sweat.

'Ew…' He was disgusted by his own smell.

Lin Shen quickly got ready for a shower. His routine was very basic. Just open the shower tap, scrub soap on all the necessary places while the water will get the other unimportant places.

After his shower, he dried himself off with his towel and wore a new pair of clothes. He didn't forget to put the dirty clothes into the laundry bin.

Finally, it was time for the grind.