
Sunday. 1:00 Am.

This was the exact time Lin Shen got back to his room. He sat down on his desk and opened his school bag, taking out all the contents containing the unit's materials. He arranged them neatly by date and importance. The important materials were placed on the left side of the desk regardless of the date, while the least important ones on the right side in chronological order.

Lin Shen's plan was very simple. He would split the day into halves, using one half to revise and study for the exam, the other half to cultivate and become stronger.

Using this strategy, he could study like a madman for a whole twelve hours nonstop, absorbing all the knowledge he could possibly get his hands on. His improved memory would make this a whole lot easier.

Then, when twelve hours were up, he would definitely be mentally tired and bored. So, he would use the next twelve hours to do Mental Capacity training and Foundation Establishment training.

Foundation Establishment training required him to infuse his Qi into his body to refine it, which would expend a lot of his Qi. This was where the Dantian Refinement training came in handy. He could use the training to replenish his Qi storage anytime he was about to run out.

He didn't know about others, but cultivation was boring if one had to continuously sit in a lotus position, constantly swirling energies about.

Lin Shen would use the Mental Capacity training to take care of this problem. He could clearly remember the feeling he got everytime he collected a flame drop. It would relieve his mind, giving him a refreshing feeling while also improving its capabilities. The good thing about this was that his mind would be cleared, thus eliminating any distractions clouding him.

With this sort of plan, Lin Shen felt it was an effective way of utilizing his tools. As for the day of the exams...well, using the Mental Capacity training feature should do the trick. He wouldn't be tired by then with the effects it brings.

For the rest of the day, Lin Shen focused solely on revising the contents and studying. He occasionally used the laptop to search up information, but otherwise kept it shut to get rid of distractions.

4:00 Am.

Father Lin got called in, so he had to leave early for work. Although it was the weekend, his job required him to come to work whenever he was called. He was long used to these types of situations.

5:00 Am.

Lin Shen finished the whole unit's contents that were laid on his desk. With this, he should be able to aim for those top universities with zero challenge.

However, it was always better to be prepared, just in case.

He opted to study on the laptop next, going towards the college-level informations. There were past incidents of college-level questions being issued in exams, so it was better to be careful.

8:00 Am.

Lin Shen finished studying the relevant information and decided to research more about his potential careers.

Since he was a senior in high school, he had already chosen an occupation; a businessman. As a businessman, they needed to know how to use their money correctly and efficiently. To do this, he had chosen marketing, accounting, management, and finance related majors.

11:00 Am.

His mind felt tired and his eyelids heavy. He was already starting to feel a little bored just sitting around absorbing knowledge, but he resisted the temptation and persisted.


"Cough!" Chairman Yu coughed, his chest heaving soon after with pain.

After he had woken up, Dr. Hu had informed him about his condition. He had gotten quite worked up about this matter since it related to his life.

However, as a 59 year old man with heart disease, his life had already ended. There was no point in struggling to prolong his life, one that was filled with many sacrifices. Those sacrifices weren't easy, and it weighed heavily on his heart.

Really, he just wanted to give up his life right now and skip the tortuous remaining life that he would have to live out. He really did.


He still had the Yu Conglomerate that he needed to take care of. If the chairman died without appointing an appropriate successor, there would definitely be a fight for the position of chairman. He was initially planning to pass on his position to his daughter before he died, but the recent events nullified all that.

His daughter had amnesia and was just a middle schooler at the moment, so she wouldn't be able to handle a big company by herself. She would most likely be taken advantage of due to her inexperience in business related manners actually.

The Yu Conglomerate was a big organization with many members who had their eyes on the Chairman's seat. However, as the Chairman, he still had some trustworthy allies he could rely on to take care of his daughter.

He had called one of them to take care of his daughter, and another to suppress the news of his heart disease. With the remaining power he had, he called for the best doctors around the world to prolong his life, at least until his daughter was okay.


Chairman Yu coughed violently in his hospital room. Even though it hurt everytime he coughed, with the vague sensation of blood rising up his throat, he couldn't give up. Even as he laid in his hospital bed by himself.

He couldn't give up yet.

He had one last responsibility he needed to take care of.

A responsibility as a father.


1:00 PM.

"Yawn…" Lin Shen stretched his sore body before putting away all the study materials. Enough time had passed, so it was time to start cultivating.

He quickly got out his phone to start the Mental Capacity training.





Lin Shen continued this until ten minutes later, his mind was finally relaxed. In these ten minutes, he had accumulated a total of 60 Mental Capacity points, adding on to his previous 100, he now had 160 Mental Capacity. This made him able to absorb knowledge quite fast while giving his brain a clearer thinking ability.

With this, he would be able to pinpoint the most important information from the smallest of details quite easily. Maybe he could potentially become a detective?

Well anyway, he opened up the cultivation status.


Qi Element: Life Flame

Realm: Foundation Establishment

Refinement Level: 1 [0 / 100]

Potential Core: 1

They were still the same, no changes. Since that was the case, he hopped right into foundation refining.

He sat in a lotus position and started moving the Life Flame Qi that his dantian produced throughout his body. All he had to do was actually just spread his Qi inside his body and it would automatically be absorbed, so it was quite easy.

Refinement Level: 1 [1 / 100]

Refinement Level: 1 [2 / 100]

Refinement Level: 1 [3 / 100]

Refinement Level: 1 [4 / 100]

Refinement Level: 1 [10 / 100]

"Phew…" Lin Shen wiped the sweat forming on his head as he looked at his progress. He had only gotten to 10 experience points in refinement, yet his Qi has already run out.

He played the Dantian Refinement game to recover his Qi faster.

+1 Cycle

+1 Cycle

+1 Cycle

Since he wasn't in the Qi Foundation stage anymore, the cycles only produced Qi to his dantian. He couldn't really tell how much Qi he was getting since he didn't know the capacity of his own Qi.

'System, are you able to tell the maximum capacity of my Qi?'

[Creating new stats…]


[Qi Storage: 3 / 200]

(The new stats will be located in the category 'Cultivation'.)

Lin Shen checked.


Qi Element: Life Flame

Qi Storage: 3 / 200

Realm: Foundation Establishment

Refinement Level: 1 [10 / 100]

Potential Core: 1

'If I have at least 200 maximum, how come I was only able to obtain 10 refinement exp?' This was what puzzled Lin Shen when he looked at the stats.

(Refining your body means spreading your Qi all over your body, and since your body is quite big, your small dantian could only refine so much. To simply the terms, you used 20 Qi for one refinement.)

'...' At this rate it would take quite a while for him to reach lvl 2 of foundation refinement.

He could actually breakthrough right now, but the problem was that his foundation wasn't stable enough and he didn't want to risk it.

Lin Shen could only take a little more time to build up his foundation to a suitable degree.

For now, he did Dantian Refinement training to replenish his Qi to maximum. Then he would continue his refining. Every now and then, he would play the Mental Capacity training to stop himself from feeling bored.

He spent his Sunday weekend cooped up in his room, even forgetting to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner.