Chapter 11: Happiness?

Aiko's perspective:

Since my childhood, I have never seen what a happy family looks like. My parents hate each other and they hate me too. My dad is a drunkard and he uses violence against my mom. She faces this oppression and the funny part is she projects her oppression on me. I wished if they were divorced but I don't know why they're still living together. They torment me everyday. My dad hates me of being born as a girl and my mom accuses me of her relationship going bad with my dad because of my birth. I was tired of living. I gave my best to make them happy and proud. My parents never attended any of my school functions or other meetings. When I was in fifth grade they left me alone and would come once in a while to check whether I'm alive or not. Since my family declined me, I started liking the attention I used to get in school. I thrived hard to become the best. I got myself involved so much into materialistic happiness that I forgot my reality. I started keeping myself busy to avoid all those tormented thoughts and actions my family gave me. I never really cared about others feelings and I knew they are nice to me only because I hold some authority. Nobody cared about my grievances. They would just believe the lies that I told them and myself. They believed that I come from a well maintained, "happy" family and the fake environment that I created around myself was liked by everyone. I was so much devoured by this fake likeness that I forgot what I really wanted; I left behind my real self.

The day Irana joined my school, somebody informed me about her and I was waiting for her. Just like all other girls who always want me, who are always around me, I thought she was also one of them. But she didn't approached me herself. I saw her in Taekwondo class too and I thought she'll want to befriend me for her benefits but she never came to me. When I caught her bunking class,

I thought she'll beg me to help her but she said nothing. It really pissed me off. So, I started approaching her myself. I thought she must have some other motives. She was the first one who caught my attention but as soon as I started talking more and more to her I felt she was different. She never asked me to do her any favour. Whenever I was with her I felt at ease. Her eyes were so pure. I liked how she'll give different reactions every time I approached her.

That day I had a meeting with union members so I went to school early and in my way I saw Irana. I became instantly happy when I saw her, and this happiness, it felt different. It felt so real. But then she suddenly went back without even looking at me. I felt she was ignoring me so I messaged her and as soon as I was about to reply her back, my dad came back to see me. He said that he'll be spending the night here and he threw some cash on my face and said, "This month allowance. Don't expect more!" Being treated like trash again and again I went outside. I was so depressed that I asked for a half day leave and I came back to school after lunch time. Irana didn't come to me so instead I thought of clearing things with her so I went to her classroom. When I saw her laughing face I felt so relieved, as if all my worries vanished. Who are you Irana?