Chapter 12: Summer practices?

Soon our summer vacations began and Aiko insisted that I should join the extra classes. Only ten people applied for my club. No matter what I was happy that I'll be able to see Aiko and we thought that after practices we can stay back and I'll help with her English. God's were on my said. Cheerfully I went to school but Aiko wasn't there. Chiyo came to me blurted, "That bitch Aiko! How can she ditch us. It's not like we are having regular classes and she's late." "Something might have come up", I said feeling dejected. Almost 20 mins has passed and I was so distracted by the door. I just kept thinking that she'll come. How can she go back on her words, she also promised to stay back. Just when I was about to lose all hopes Aiko's voice suddenly came out of nowhere. She came running inside with two packets stuffed in her hands. "Sorry Sensei, I was a little late because I was buying some flavoured milk and rice cakes for everyone," she said trying to save herself. "I'll forgive you since you brought the food but this shouldn't happen again!" Said sensei drooling over for food. "Here, do you want mango or strawberry flavour?" Aiko asked me handling over the mango flavoured milk. I sighed, "Hah! Why even asking when you already gave me this one." "Come Irana! Let's have a match," Said Aiko abruptly. She dragged to the mat before I could even resist. She dogged my kick and suddenly interlocked her leg with mine and pushed me towards the ground. "Huh! That was so easy. I thought you will block me," she mocked. She was still lying above me. My ears went red and hot. "Y-ooo-uu, will you...will you please get up," I said meekly. "Ahh! Sorry, wait I'm," she said realising and as she was about to get up her leg slipped and her face bumped into my chest. She looked up, embarrassed and immediately got up. "Aigoo! My chest hurts, is your head made of steel," I said trying to suppress the embarrassment. "Sorry...umm..I'll go I think sensei needs me," said Aiko and I think I saw her blushing.

After the practices got over, we went to our school garden. "Today was fun!", said Chiyo. "Yeah! I think so", said Aiko staring at me. "Oh guys! I forgot, I have to go out with my mum so I can't help you today Aiko," said Chiyo. "Yeah! As if I need your help. Get lost," said Aiko annoyed. Chiyo went back and I could sense that Aiko was a bit irritated. "What happened? Why do you look so annoyed?" I asked her. "Tsk! I don't know, I think I'm a bit tired." She replied. "okay, let's study. English will make you refreshed," I said. At least my bad joke made her smile.

It was a warm evening. Can't tell it was the evening or the person sitting next to me who was giving this warm feeling. "Teki teki!" Said Aiko. "What teki teki? It's Take it Take it"! I shouted on Aiko.(Why does this scene reminds me of Jungkook and Jimin?)

Anyways teaching her English was fun.