The Russian's Gambit: Part 2

Lima was walking around her house. He made afternoon tea and she sat down to watch TV. She looked at the afternoon news and there was news about a gang shootout in a certain house. Then, she got a call from Tango.

Tango: "Afternoon, Lima. Have you watched the news?"

Lima: "Yes I have. What can I do for you Tango?"

Tango: "Delta and Sierra were mortally injured from that shootout. I guess I need to let you know."

Lima: "Ok. Who's the perpetrator?"

Tango: "I don't know to be honest, but Alpha said it could be another paramilitary unit. They haven't woken up yet."

Lima: "I see. I've met with paramilitary personnel back in Chechnya in 2017. They aren't exactly the kind of people you want to be messing with."

Tango: "Be careful ok, we haven't identified who are they and what they want yet."

Lima: "You too Tango. Be careful beautiful."

She closed the phone and put it at the nearby table. She put her SCAR-H near her couch. She didn't want to be caught off guard. He watched the news and the reporter reported that there were no bodies to be found. 'Delta isn't exactly a weak guy, and so does Sierra. This isn't the work of street thugs or fixers. This must be the work of an organized military unit.'

[Injury Report From Kilo: Delta's Case]

For: Lima

Delta has been injured in the torso, hands, and legs sections including some fragmentation to the head. It has been identified that more than 4000 bullet fragments could be found in his body during the surgery. It was a miracle that he stays alive.

Suspected Cause Of Injury: Fragments of Brick and Walls, 7.62x39mm bullets, 7.62x54mmR bullets.

Personal Verdict: Why the fuck someone shot him more than 300 times?

[End of Kilo's Report]

She read that report. Lima couldn't decide whether it was an undercover western agent shooting at him using eastern block weaponry or it was really the Russians' work. But according to the amount of assumption that she had, she could say that it was clearly a work of an organized paramilitary organization. The questions were who and why?

Lima stood up and finished her tea. She went for the garage. She looked at her Yamaha R6 and her Mercedes-Benz S-class, 'Some people thought me as daddy's little bitch, but Nah. This is the thing that I get as a contractor,' she admired her work.

She opened the garage with the remote on her phone and entered the car with some money for fuel in his pocket. She was planning to ask for Intel on her phone in hope that the person that attacked Delta wouldn't track her down. If so, she could escape with her armored car.

She got out of the garage and established a phone call with X-ray. He was an Intel gatherer among the contractors. He might know a thing or two about the attack.

She held the steering wheel firmly as she accepted the call on the car infotainment system. The call was received through the armory system. It made the call untraceable and very safe, to be honest, but she didn't want to take any risk.

X-ray: "Hi Lima, why are you calling me on Saturday?"

Lima: "Have you heard on the shootout? Our boys were the casualty, do you have any Intel on that?"

X-ray: "Wait a minute. I may find something on the dark web or somewhere else."

She drove outside of the residential area and headed to the toll road for a high-speed drive to the other side of the province. She would drive back and forth to avoid detection from the aggressors that suddenly appeared in the city.

The problem with the attacker was not because Delta and Sierra got shot as she got shot by the arms dealer. The problem was the anonymity of the attacker. They didn't belong to the street thugs nor the fixers aka hired gun. It made them worry about their operation in that city.

X-Ray: "I found some classified documents on the dark web. The info isn't clear, but there is a terrorist threat in our city."

Lima: "So? What does it have to do with them?"

X-ray: "One of the masterminds in the 2017 Saint Petersburg bombing was suspected escaping to this country in August."

Lima: "So it was the Russians?"

X-ray: "Not so fast Lima. The Americans have a business here somehow."

Lima: "How?"

X-Ray: "In the recent terror attack, A white supremacist terrorist has escaped here in September 2019. He bombed a church full of blacks."

Lima: "So, the attackers could be with the CIA PMOO or the FSB Spetsnaz?"

X-ray: "Yes."

Lima: "Search more."

Lima paid the toll road and hit the gas in the toll road as she drove at a very high speed. She looked around and she noticed the ridiculous amount of police cruisers on the road.

The police must have thought it to be a terrorist attack due to the large number of explosives that were used in the shootout between Delta and the attackers.

Lima didn't want a former Delta force or a Russian Spetsnaz chased after the contractors. They could mess with business more than they thought it could do. Lima knew that her wounds had healed up thanks to the seemingly magical treatment from Tango, the ultimate combat medic.

Then, a seemingly out of place military convoy was passing from her right. It was a convoy full of APC and IFV that headed to her town. It really made her nervous. She might need an anti-tank missile launcher like the FGM-148 to deal with it.

X-Ray: "Delta had gone out of the operation room now. Poor guy. You should see how many sutures he has."

Lima: "Is it that bad?"

X-ray: "His body is literally like a mummy."

Lima: "I see. Do you have any update for me?"

X-ray: "That house that was attacked, you want to know who was living there? Regine Sabine aka Saadia Al-Syahrani was living there."

Lima: "Was?

X-ray: "Yup, according to the civil administration data in the T.I.M.S system. She moves away, but her last location is still unknown."

Lima: "Keep me updated."

She continued driving in that afternoon and had drawn a conclusion. The conclusion was not the conclusion that she wanted, but it was the most likely conclusion. 'The Americans Or The Russians are searching for something in this city and they are in a clandestine operation.'