The Russian's Gambit: Part 3

Lima stopped in a rest area around 300 kilometers from our town. It was a rest area located in the countryside with a convenience store. She changed into a combat loadout. She didn't want anyone to catch him off guard. Her loadout was using a SCAR-H with an FGM-148 on her back as safety measures. People were looking at her like a menace.

Finally, a car was parked in front of the bench where she was sitting. The car was a Suburban. It was Alpha's car. She called her for questioning. She was wearing her usual ballistic vest and helmet.

She got out of the car, "So are we on a date now?" She flirted as she sat down next to her. She was someone that could be considered a Loli by standard, but this loli would really bring you an FBI treatment if you tried to mess with her.

"Afternoon Alpha," Lima said as she sat down beside her and put her rifle in front of her body. She looked at Lima that had the look of a worried parent.

"So....." Alpha paused to let Lima asked her a question, but she deeply knew that it must be about Delta.

"Who was it? Was it the Russian or The Americans?" Lima asked her little friend.

"I was too late. They were bleeding on the ground, I put them in the trunk and brought them quickly to the hidden FOB on town," Alpha said. She clearly didn't know anything about the attackers.

Lima patted his friend's back, "As long as they're alive. I don't care too much about it, you get the job done and it's fine by me."

"Thanks," Alpha said as she put her rifle on the bench, besides the Javelin. She went to a convenient store and bought candy. Lima opened her phone again to get an update from X-ray.

Lima: "Ray, do you have any info again?"

X-Ray: "Yes, do you know the arms shipment that you intercepted? It was a supply for a paramilitary group in the town."

Lima: "Can't remember too much about that. I got shot by .50 cal you know?"

X-ray: "I see. Well, what's matter is the equipment that was inside. Did you know what they carry?"

Lima: "For fuck sake Ray, I got shot with a .50 BMG that day. Stop asking me questions."

X-ray: "The container trucks were carrying a supply of special forces grade weaponry. It was hidden between the poorly made assault rifle."

Lima: "Makes sense. Find the user yet?"

X-Ray: "Not yet, we haven't finished analyzing the bullets that got stuck in Delta's body."

Lima: "Keep me updated."

She looked at the busy highway in front of her. Multiple container trucks were heading to her city. She really wondered what's inside that truck due to the fact that the trucks were escorted by a police convoy. 'Will there be a security lockdown in my town?' she wondered.

She also wondered whether there would be a new mission that had a more serious tone or not. The main reason was if there was an appearance from the big 3 in her town. It was very likely that there would be a spy as well. What was big 3 if you ask? Russians, Americans, and Chinese.

"Hmm, if there are really Paramilitary Officers in our town, what will we do?" Alpha asked her.

"Either we make an agreement with them or we go all out and make them leave our town. I prefer the first option, to be honest. I don't want to fight them," Lima said to Alpha.

"Ok, I see. Sorry if I can't help too much, I need to go now," Alpha picked up her rifle and entered her car again. She reversed and drove outside of the rest area. Lima waved her hands at her. 'Finally, I can release my disguise,' Lima thought on her head.

She opened her phone and changed his loadout back to her casual outfit. She headed back to her car which was parked very far away from that bench. She entered her car again and had a message from Kilo. It was a file from her.

[Ballistic Report]

For: Lima

Delta was injured from 5.45x39mm, 7.62x39mm, 9x39mm, 7.62x54mmR, and 12.7x55mm cartridges. The bullet was fired from a suppressed weapon. From further analysis, he could be shot by eastern block special operation weaponry. As Val, Ash-12, and VSS Vintorez.

Personal Note: Watch out. This is Russian spec ops weaponry. It is highly likely that Spetsgruppa Alpha is involved in this.

[End Of Report]

'Hmmh, not good,' she reversed her car from the parking lot and continued to hit on the highway. She continued her journey to the other side of the province. She looked up and saw a fighter jet flying on the sky. It was heading in the same direction as her town.

"Holy fuck, what the heck? Looks like my town will be under martial law for several days," Lima said as another military convoy headed to her town. She got another call from X-ray.

X-ray: "Bad news. The terrorists have made another attack. This time, it was on the other side of the town."

Lima: "How bad this one?"

X-ray: "They bombed a skyscraper. Looks like it's going to be a rampage from now on."

Lima: "Hmm, it looks like the contractors will be stuck between a crossfire of the Russians, our country military, and ISIS."

X-ray: "I will find more about the Russians. I know that they're from Spetsnaz, but from which group?"

Lima: "Keep me updated."

X-ray: "Sure."

Lima continued driving down the roads. She became more worried about her town. The contractors had the most modern equipment, the Russians had the most skill, the military had the numbers, and ISIS had the element of surprise. It could turn her town into a warzone.

Street thugs and other small players would be destroyed by martial law alone. The contractors weren't under the jurisdiction of the country's law and they were kind of allies to the country military. The Spetsnaz was still questionable in their involvement, but it was very likely that they were involved. ISIS was the main culprit. If they didn't escape here, none of this would happen.

She continued driving down the road before she got a call from someone. It was a call from someone that she knew well enough, "Lima, it's me."

"Hmm, what does the CIA want from me?" It was a call from one of the CIA agents. Well, the former PMOO of CIA actually, he became one of the high-level members of the Directorate Of Operations in CIA.

"I will keep this short. Could you deal with the Russians?" He asked her.

"I will ask the others first," she put the phone on hold.