The Russian's Gambit: Part 4

CIA PMOO, Central Intelligence Agency Paramilitary Operation Officers. It was the fist of the USA in a clandestine operation. Their member was former special forces mostly. The morality of their operation was questionable and oftentimes illegal. This person, in particular, Agent Herring, was a former pararescue unit from the air force. Herring was his alias, his real name was unknown, but it was better for both of them that way.

"So Agent Herring. What do the Russians have in mind this time?" Lima asked him.

"ISIS was the main reason, but we want the contractors to keep an eye on the Russians. The CIA doesn't want to take a risk by sending a PMOO in that region right now due to circumstances. If the US is found to be involved again, the Russians will use this as their leverage on the world stage," Agent Herring said.

"The contractors are independent you know? What does the CIA can offer us right now?" Lima asked him.

"If the contractor accepts our offer. We could offer some favor like backup and intel on my behalf. The more operation you do, the more favor you can get from us. Is that ok with you?" Agent Herring said. There was a message from X-ray. She put the call on hold.

X-Ray: "I hear that a CIA agent called you."

Lima: "Yes."

X-ray: "We agree to help the CIA. It's a good opportunity to gain Intel and more backup from the US. We need more mission variety after all. I prefer to "

Lima: "Ok, I will say it to him."

She established the call with agent Herring again, "The contractors agree with Agent Herring. What kind of mission do you have in mind?"

"I added a CIA mission at your app by someone's behalf. Thanks, don't worry. Your job mostly involving the Russians," Agent Herring said as she closed the call and continued driving. A few new contracts appeared on her Armory System app. Most of them were fairly dangerous.

[Identifying The Russians]

You don't know who they are right? Yes, you have to know who they are. If I'm not wrong, this has to be a Spetsnaz group. You just have to know which Spetsnaz are they. This Spetsnaz must be working for the FSB. Identify who they are. After that, message me.


[CIA Rep +++]

[Reputation +++++]


Lima drove back to her town since the Spetsnaz unit was spotted in her town. She changed her loadout to her heavy combat loadout. She used MG5 and a standalone grenade launcher in her loadout.

Her armor could absorb the impact from .308 Lapua Magnum easily. She used rifle grade ballistic visor on her helmet. Her clothes were a fragmentation suit which was a miniature EOD suit that could withstand an explosive from grenades.

When she reached her town, a military checkpoint has been established. The barricade was full of APC that was blocking the toll roads. Not stopping there, the barricade was guarded with multiple soldiers holding FN FNC. It looked like her town wouldn't be the same town that she knew before.

The blockade made a traffic jam as some cars turned around to avoid that blockade. She let the car autopilot drove itself as the traffic moved very slowly. Once she reached the checkpoint, a soldier approached her and she showed her special ID for disobeying any law. She then asked, "Sir, what happened?"

"Seven bombing accidents in a day," he let her go as Lima drove outside that checkpoints and she got out of that toll road and she called Hotel with her phone.

Lima: "Are you in the FOB?"

Hotel: "I'm here with Foxtrot, Echo, Charlie, Bravo, and Tango."

Lima: "Great. Could you help me with business? 10000$ rewards from the CIA."

Hotel: "Say no more. We will be there in a Blackhawk. We have the mission as well."

Lima: "Great."

She pressed on the gas pedal harder to get there quicker. She could clearly see helicopters were patrolling in her city. The UH-1 helicopters were flying around the city. It was equipped with M60 machine guns. From the distance, she could also see several IFVs were patrolling in the city.

After some minutes on the highway, she looked to the left and saw two Blackhawks in the DAP loadout. It was MH-60L DAP Blackhawk. It was equipped with two M230 chainguns and Eight AGM-114 hellfire missiles. Not stopping there, but the door gunners were also equipped with GAU-19 miniguns.

The Blackhawks landed in the middle of the highway and made a huge traffic jam. She stopped her car in the middle of the road and she got out of her car with MG5 on her hands. Bravo and Hotel was the one who piloted the helicopter.

Charlie got out of the helicopter while holding an IWI Negev on her hands. Her loadout was the same as her. A very heavy armored vest with protector all around her body, "Yo, ready to waste some Russians?"

"You can bet on it," Lima said as she parked her car and pressed a button on her phone to teleport it back to her garage. She embarked on the helicopter and it flew away from the highway. She manned the minigun with Charlie to provide suppressing fire.

The other helicopter miniguns were manned by Foxtrot and Echo. They flew away to a location which was the location that the Russians used as their hideout. It was a house on the outskirts of the city. The house was a two-story building with two sedans parked in front of it. The Blackhawks flew aggressively on that house. It did a several low fly by and spooked the Russians.

The Russians started showing on the balcony of the house. They were holding an AN-94 assault rifle with a suppressor. Without any question, they shot a bullet at the helicopter fuselage. The bullet hit Lima's ballistic visor and luckily, it was unscathed by that bullet.

"Light em up boys!"