The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 8

Friday. 2000 Hours. A parking lot near Warehouse 25.

Lizeth, Lynn, and Clara were in that empty parking lot. They were discussing a plan for attacking the Warehouse 25. They wanted to do that stealthy, but they would need a massive amount of distraction and team coordination to do that.

"So, since the last time was me doing the heavy lifting. I will be on standby on the nearby roof with this anti-materiel rifle," Lizeth said as she grabbed the AS50 anti-materiel rifle from her car trunk.

"Ok. Serval and I will attack that place. But I don't think we will find anything besides explosives there," Lynn said as she held an MG5 on her hands.

She was wearing a full set of interceptor body armor with add-on protection on her legs and arms. Clara used her standard kit of body armor with a knee and elbow protector. She used her M4 for that op.

"If you find something, tell me," Lizeth said to them as she entered her car and drove away from that parking lot. Clara and Lynn walked to the warehouse slowly.

The warehouse was a small warehouse located in a warehouse complex. Clara and Lynn walked to the warehouse while aiming for their weaponry at that warehouse. Lynn walked in front of Clara while Clara was aiming her rifle at the warehouse.

Lizeth: "I'm on position. I can see both of you in my scope."

Lynn: "Roger that."

Clara and Lynn walked to the warehouse and decided to split in two. Clara would attack the back of the warehouse while Lynn would attack the back of the warehouse.

"Ok, watch yourself," Lynn said to Clara as she walked to the backdoor of the warehouse. Lynn stood in the small door that was located in the front of the warehouse.

Clara had already in the door on the back of the warehouse. They were in position. Lizeth could confirm it. All they needed to do now was to enter that building.

Lynn: "On my mark. One... Two... Three..."

Lynn kicked the door and aimed her machine gun at the direction of the warehouse. There wasn't anyone there. The warehouse was empty. There were only cars in that warehouse. Lynn's guess? They were VBIED if what Lizeth said was right.

Lynn: "Lynx, what kind of ammunition do you use?"

Lizeth: "The usual raufoss ammo."

Lynn: "Don't shoot."

Lizeth: "Copy that. Why?"

Lynn: "This warehouse is full of VBIED."

Lizeth: "Car bomb? Ok."

Lynn: "Serval. Do you hear that?"

Clara: "Yeah. We're in the same frequency after all."

The warehouse was a vehicle warehouse after further investigation. Due to the number of cars there, Lynn suspected that the cartel must have provided funds to the IS.

Clara: "I find an office."

Lynn approached Clara's position which was on the northern corner of the warehouse. The office was locked from where Lynn was since Clara accessed the door from the back section of the warehouse. Lynn grabbed the crowbar on her back and pried on that door. The door was opened easily.

"Are you a professional burglar or something?" Clara said as she looked at Lynn who opened that door in seconds.

"Practice makes you perfect," Lynn said as she approached the manifests that Clara was holding.

It was a piece of document that contained the details of the car that entered and exited the warehouse. It looked like that there wasn't any car leaving the garage for two months. It clearly supported the evidence that the cars there were VBIED.

The explosives had been loaded to the car. Most of the car was the type that only cost around 5000$ or 2000$. It was definitely a good choice for a car bomb.

"So what do we do now?" Clara asked.

"I don't know. This manifests won't tell anything that Lynx might want," Lynn said to her.

"So we just blow shit up?" Clara asked.

"Nope. Before you ask me a question about moral value, I still want to have some job in this place," Lynn said.

What did Lynn's statement mean? What she meant was that if she blew up all of the bombs, she would have to return to the low paying job of gang hideouts. It was due to the lack of large scale conflict in her area. She would leave the bombs as they were.

Lizeth: "Found anything? Phuuhhh."

Lynn: "Are you smoking again?"

Lizeth: "Hey, I'm bored and tense."

Lynn: "Nope. The terrorist had moved everything from this warehouse. It's empty."

Lizeth: "Ok. Good work guys. Well... It looks like a zonk for me. I will leave the area early. See both of you soon guys."

Lizeth cut off the transmission and she left that channel. The persons left on that channel were Lynn and Clara only. They looked at the cars in that warehouse through the office. They counted the number of cars that were placed there.

"Lima, do the workers here realize that all of this is a bomb?" Clara asked Lynn as she counted the cars. There were 30 of them.

"I don't think so. This is just an ordinary warehouse," Lynn said to Clara as she observed the manager's desk on that office.

The manager's desk was an ordinary desk with a picture of an ordinary-looking family. It made Lynn miss something. A family that she never had.

"Lima?" Clara looked at Lima who was looking at a picture on the desk.

"Sorry, a little bit emotional there," Lynn put the picture back at the table.

"About Lynx. She has resistance to 7.63 bullets isn't she?" Clara said, but Lynn decided not to respond to that question. She would just say the ordinary thing.

"If you want to kill her, don't, you will die on the process," Lynn replied to her.

"As if I have something to lose," Clara said to Lynn as both of them walked to the backdoor of the warehouse. The sky was raining.

Lynn spawned her car using her smartphone. She entered her car and turned on the engine of the car. She opened the armored window of the car and talked at Clara who was standing beside her car. Clara cried a bit, she might be very angry at Lizeth.

"Hey. If you're really angry. I can't stop you, but I'm against that plan," Lynn said to Clara who was sobbing.

Clara cried. Her mind was full of questions. Why and who were the questions. Why was her and who was Lynx? She didn't recover from the killing of her parents. She still had the heavy grudge at Lizeth.

"Look, Lynx saved you. There's nothing better than that," Lynn said.

"But my parents..."

"If you know who Lynx is, you will be surprised. I will leave now," Lynn hit the gas pedal and she left Clara near that warehouse complex. Clara was sobbing in that rain.

She decided to call Lizeth as she drove her car away from the warehouse complex.

[Calling Lizeth Grant] [21:30]

Lynn: "Lizeth. We need to talk. Now!"

Lizeth: "What's happening?"

Lynn: "Clara. Meet me at the coffee shop where you usually work when you don't have anything else to do."

Lizeth: "Ok. Combat loadout?"

Lynn: "Yeah. We will talk about important stuff."

Friday. 2200 Hours. Coffee Shop.

The barista was shivering in fear as two heavily armored gunmen that closely resembled the SWAT were sitting down on the table in front of him. Lizeth knew that barista, but he can't handle the view of two rifles being put on the table of his coffee shop.

"That's nothing new for me if she wanted to kill me, what's holding her back?" Lizeth asked Lynn as kept an eye on the barista in case he tried to reach for something.

"Me. I'm holding her back," Lynn said.


"I can't let my trainee die again," Lynn said.

"Look, she has attempted to kill me twice. Why should I be bothered by it? If she wanted to kill me, so be it," Lizeth said, "Besides, she has no use for me right now."

"Hmm... Sorry for not finding anything in that warehouse," Lynn apologized.

"It's ok. It was expected since the briefcase can't be there. Well, only one place left to go for me now," Lizeth said to Lynn.

"About Serval, what will you do to her?" Lynn asked as Lizeth paid the barista for his service.

"Nothing. I saved her, but I might regret it now," Lizeth left the coffee shop.

"Do you want me to assassinate her?" Lynn asked Lizeth.

"No. But keep an eye on her," Lizeth left the coffee shop on that rainy night and she left.

Lynn looked at the barista and ordered something from that person. He might fear her too much, "Hey dude, give me Frappuccino, take away."

"Su... Su... Sure," he made a coffee for her and Lynn paid her with enough money as she headed for her car and put the coffee in the cupholder.

'Lizeth... You care for other people too much,' Lynn left the coffee shop in her car.