The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 9

Sunday. 1300 Hours. A parking lot on the Southside of the capital.

Lizeth: "What do you find?"

Marinka: "Well. For starter, that's Amar's laptop. The nuke will be used next week. You'd better hurry."

Lizeth: "I see. Anything else?"

Marinka: "If you find the nuke, immediately call me and go to the airport. There will be a plane waiting for you."

Lizeth: "Where will you take me?"

Marinka: "Find the nuke first then we can talk."

Lizeth: "Ok. See you Marinka."

Lizeth was sitting in the backseat of her car while waiting for Lynn who was grabbing a dead drop from the CIA. She stayed there as a backup in case someone tried to clap her. She was standing by while holding her pistol in her jacket pocket. She was in casual clothing.

"What do you find?" Lizeth asked as Lynn entered the car.

"Not much. Open that," Lynn gave her an SD card. Lizeth put the SD card inside a DSLR camera since that was the instruction from Lynn. When she turned the camera on, she saw multiple pictures of translated documents.

Most of them were signed by Amar's and the Libyan government. Even Amar used a shadow company name for his organization. The bottom line was the documents was about the purchase of weaponry from the Libyan government. It includes armored vehicles and small arms.

"Ok, that's going to explain why they have RPG, but where's the nuke?" Lynn said as she looked at that picture.

"The nuke? You know that?" Lizeth asked.

"Yeah. You're working for FSB, right? Of course, you will also know the nuke," Lynn said.

"I know, where is the nuke though?" Lizeth asked the same question as Lynn.

"We're going to be trying the last address that Harris gave to us, hopefully, this will give us a lead," Lynn said as she grabbed her phone. She was calling for backup. They told them to meet at that empty lot since it was close to the last address.

2 Hours Later.

The empty lot was filled with military vehicles in under an hour. They spent another hour to formulate a plan to capture the place. Why was it called the place? Because they didn't know whether the place was an ordinary house or another warehouse or another cartel's boss hideout like the last time. This time, Tango and her dog joined the operation.

As usual, Echo made the plan because he was the only person that had made a quick reconnaissance. He said that the target was a large house that was fortified with a concrete wall. It could be said that the target was a fortress.

In short, foot infantry couldn't enter until the mechanized infantry stormed the place. The problem didn't stop there, the helicopter couldn't enter the combat zone due to the possibility that there was a MANPADS there. In conclusion, air support would be unavailable.

"Hitman 1 and Hitman 2 will move to the position by breaking the concrete wall. No, we're not going to the front door and risking the armor getting shot by RPG," Echo said to the tankers. They nodded. However Zulu added another idea.

"Hitman 2 and I will attack from different directions. We can divert their attention," Zulu said and Yankee agreed with the idea since the idea of separating the attention was a good idea.

"Ok, once the tanks cleared the exterior, the infantry will be split into two groups," Echo said before he pointed his hands at Lynn and Lizeth.

"Lima, your callsign is Homan 4, you Will be leading Homan squad. Lynx, your callsign is Uber 4, you will be leading Uber squad," they acknowledged it.

Bravo, Foxtrot, and Kilo would be on Hotman squad while Alpha, Hotel, and Tango would be in the Uber squad. Alpha and Bravo would be the main door breacher in that squad because both of them were equipped with AA-12 shotgun.

"Ok, as usual, Charlie and I will be on standby on the rooftop of a nearby building to disable any vehicle that came to disable the tanks," Echo said. Echo and Charlie were equipped with RPG that has tandem warhead. It should be able to destroy any suicide bomber car.

"Ok, I will on the lookout as a marksman," X-ray said as he walked with his Brennan LRS-46 AMR.

"Serval, as usual, laid the mines," Echo said to Clara who was packing a lot of anti-tank mines on her back. She attached it to C4 charges so it would explode on her command.

The Infantry method of transport was the usual two Chevrolet Suburban since that car had the same characteristics as an unmarked police car. All of the infantry entered that car and each leader of the squad drove that car. Charlie and Echo used their own car.

The tanks started their engine and the cars led the way in the vehicle convoy. The cars turned on their siren to move the other vehicles out of their way. The cars on the street moved out of their way as the tanks we're aiming their heavy machine gun turret at anyone who blocked their way.

Lizeth was coordinating with her team, "When the tanks have done their job, we will get out of the car. Hotel, please keep an eye out for any RPG on the rooftop. You have a DMR right?"

"Yes, I have an MK-20 SSR here," Hotel showed her DMR to Lizeth, her team leader. It was basically Lynn's SCAR-H with a very long barrel.

"Look, can I use something other than this puny AA-12?" Alpha asked.

"Sure, but what will you use?" Lizeth asked.

Alpha grabbed her phone and pressed some options on her phone. In the blink of an eye, she turned into a heavily armored monstrosity from a little armed loli-chan. It was the juggernaut suit, she held an M134 on her hands. Not stopping there, she also carried 3000 rounds ammo box on her back with its battery. It made Lizeth wondered what kind of human she was.

'That suit is similar to what I saw on COD: MW3 in the Dust To Dust, but is it practical on real life?' Lizeth wondered as she looked at Alpha who was holding a machine gun on her hands.

"What kind of bullet does it stop?" Hotel asked her since she didn't have that kind of suit.

"Let me see. According to the test, I can survive around twenty 14.5 bullets to my head," Alpha said.

"Say what???" Lizeth asked in astonishment. It's physically impossible to absorb the energy of the bullet without sustaining an injury, but after second thought, it would be possible since she could survive a direct hit from 9mm bullets to the head.

"Yup, this helmet has saved our lives many times," Alpha said. She was referring to Bravo, her battle buddy.

"Well, I don't care about physics. But that's a hell of a weight you're carrying," Lizeth said as Alpha sat down on the backseat of the car. It didn't take long until their conversation end since they were close to the building that they were going to attack.

Echo: "Homan and Uber, stop your car. Let the Hitman squads take the lead."

Lynn and Lizeth stopped their car and the tanks overtook them on the road. Echo was standing by with Charlie on the nearby building. He would act as their eyes from afar.

Echo: "Go!"

Yankee: "Tally ho!"

The Leopard tank shot HE rounds at the wall and broke it down. The tank rammed the wall and immediately shot another round at the top of the house to deter the RPG users.

Zulu: "Hitman 2, Watch your fire. I don't want blue on blue accident here."

Yankee: "Copy that Hitman 1."

The tank started moving on the yard of that house as they kept firing at the house with cartridge round to deter any RPG fired at them while maintaining the structural integrity of the house itself.

Echo: "Keep it going Hitman team. The RPG team is still spotted on the rooftop on the south of the house."

Yankee: "Copy that Echo. Hitman 2 moving to the south of the house."

Inside the tank, India was busy moving the ammo from the hull storage to the storage on the turret. He did that so he could reload the gun faster.

"You know Yankee, it's a good idea to move on to an Abrams you know?" India said to him.

"Why?" Yankee asked.

"This hull ammo storage is making me nervous," India said as he pointed his hands at the ammo storage.

"Well, in the tank to tank battle, I never expose the hull right?" Yankee paused as Juliette fired the gun of the tank again, "Besides, we can buy more ERA if you want to."

"Ok," India loaded another round at the tank. The tank moved towards the Southside of the house and shot another round at the house.

Zulu: "Hitman 2, stop the engagement."

Yankee: "Copy that Hitman 1."

Zulu: "Echo, this is Hitman 1. The building is going to collapse if we keep firing rounds at it. Requesting infantry.'

Echo: "Copy that. Uber and Homan are clear to enter the complex."