Time To Move Out: Part 4

Wednesday, 22th of April 2021. 1500 Hours. Forward Operational Base Temporary Command Center.

Nathan continued the meeting for that heist plan. He gathered the contractors in the same room again and begun with his plan.

"Ok, so, what do you have in mind for beating the police response team?" Clara asked for the plan.

"Sure, first of all. Let me explain the advantage of becoming a private military contractor and how to abuse the system," Nathan said as he moved to a slide that's full of text.

[Changelog for PMC]

•Discount of 90% to all military hardware

•Ability to carry more weapon at once (3)

•Replacing the app to a high-tech PDA

•More feature for making money

"PDA? What's that?" Fernando asked since he didn't have any idea what a PDA was. Nathan grabbed something from his pocket and showed the contractors a device that was similar to a phone, but it was very rugged and had an antenna.