Time To Move Out: Part 5

Wednesday, 22th of April 2021. 1900 Hours. Forward Operational Base Temporary Command Center.

"Is it full yet?" Laura asked Nathan who was sitting down on the floor, right beside the laptop that was plugged in.

"95%. Let's wait until it hit 100%. What do you have in mind?" Nathan asked.

"About this heist plan. Are you sure this is a good idea?" Laura asked as she sipped her coffee.

"Not the best idea I have in mind, but certainly not the worst idea either," Nathan said.

"One billion dollars and with such a simple plan, are you sure we are going to succeed?" Laura asked.

"You won't know unless you've tried. We haven't tried so we don't know. The risk is great, but the payment is also great," Nathan grabbed his laptop and the charger from the power outlet and returned to the meeting room where the contractors were waiting.