Time To Move Out: Part 6

Wednesday, 22th of April 2021. 2100 Hours. Forward Operational Base Armory.

Nathan took all of the contractors to the room where they put the stole weapons from the container truck back in the day. As expected, there were a lot of weapon containers there.

"These are the containers from last year, aren't they? They must have sit here for a very long time," Lynn said as she looked around that container.

Those containers contained weaponry, but most of them were special forces grade weaponry. To be short, you won't find a cheap rifle inside of it. It was just the best that the country has to offer.

"I have said earlier that we're going to standardize our equipment. So please, grabbed your old rifle and switched to the new one," Nathan said as he opened the weapon crates one by one.

The first crate contained five assault rifles and so did the other three containers. There were twenty assault rifles in total. All of them were H&K 416A7.