Time To Move Out: Part 7

Thursday, 23th of April 2021. Outskirts of the capital. 2300 Hours. Task force Omega. Lynn, Clara, and Patrick.

Three contractors were hiding in the greenery. They were wearing a woodland uniform and wore a green face paint on their faces. Three of them were also wearing Bonnie hats to cover their hairs, especially Lynn since her hair was white.

"If there's something bothering me as a contractor, I feel like a harem king," Patrick said as he crawled over the greenery overlooking a small military firebase.

"Well, I'm your girlfriend, Clara is your friend. Or else...," Lynn said menacingly.

"No thanks, one is enough," Patrick said as he continued crawling on the ground.

Three of them were conducting a stealth operation to make an ID card for Alpha and Charlie so they could easily pass through the security and steal the heavy-lift helicopter.