Time To Move Out: Part 8

Friday, 24th of April 2021. Outskirts of the capital. 1600 Hours. Garret High School. Hallway. Patrick, Nathan, and Laura.

"I swear, why are we not on vacation?" Patrick asked Nathan since they only had one day holiday since that shootout event.

"Don't ask me, ask the teachers," Laura said as she held some kind of files on her hands.

"And why do I have to come with you? This is your job as a tools division," Nathan said.

"I don't know, I only have to bring a broom, a mop, and a bucket into the classroom. No more, no less, but apparently, internal students bureaucracy prevents me to do so," Patrick said as he stood up in front of the student council room.

"Let's finish this quickly. You have a date with Lynn right?" Nathan said as he stood up in front of the student council room.

Laura knocked on the door and someone approached the door. She opened it, it was one of the student council members.

"May I see the president?" Laura asked.