Time To Move Out: Part 9

Friday, 24th of April 2021. Airport. 1640 Hours. Task Force Omega. Clara, Lynn, and Patrick.

The airport security checked Patrick and the others' ID and let them pass to the hangar. Their destination was Hangar 33, the same hangar that was owned by U.S Air Force. 

Patrick drove fast enough that he almost overtook a plane that was taking off. It didn't take long until Patrick arrived at that hangar. The hangar was empty, there wasn't anyone there with the exception of a jet. The jet was Bombardier Global 8000, Herring's private jet.

"One day, I want to work with CIA if this is one of the perks working with them," Patrick said as he parked the car beside the jet.

They got out of the car and despawned the car. They entered the private jet and looked at the interior of that jet. The interior felt very expensive with all of the white leathers and other kinds of stuff like a champagne glass with CIA logo on the screen of the TV.