Time To Move Out: Part 10

Friday, 24th of April 2021. China Mainland. 2100 Hours. Task Force Omega. Clara, Lynn, and Patrick.

Patrick: "Vladivostok tower, requesting permission to enter Russian Air space, FL 5684."

ATC: "FL 5684, you're cleared to enter Russian air space. Change course to 0-2-0 for Sakkyryr Airport."

Patrick: "Acknowledge."

The Bombardier continued flying above the Russian airspace. Patrick was sitting on the cockpit with a glass of coffee on a cup holder right beside him. The girls were sleeping on the back since they would replace Patrick after he landed at Sakkyryr airport.

Patrick looked outside of the window of that jet. All he could see was the night sky with a few blips from the jet itself. He thought for a moment, he thought on when they would move after the heist since Patrick knew that it was the beginning of Nathan's plan in establishing a private military contractor.