Time To Move Out: Part 12

Saturday, 25th of April 2021. The Pacific Ocean. 1800 Hours. Task Force Omega. Clara, Lynn, and Patrick.

Lynn: "Fighter jets are fun."

Patrick: "Agree, especially when we can turn the afterburner indefinitely. The fuel gauge on this jet has only been reduced to 95% after almost nine hours of flight in afterburner."

Lynn: "We'll arrive shortly."

Clara: "Well, I'm a bit itchy with all of these bullshit tech in front of me. I only want to drop some bombs on rioters."

Patrick: "Geneva convention sounds more like a Geneva suggestion for you."

Clara: "What can I say? The WSO seat got almost everything with the exception of coffee makers."

Patrick: "How many bombs do you have?"

Clara: "Six cluster bombs, two deep penetration bombs, and Six AGM-65 Maverick."

Patrick: "It's pre-upgraded?"

Clara: "I guess. There's no way this thing can carry them all with the extra of eight AMRAAM missiles."