Time To Move Out: Part 13

Saturday, 25th of April 2021. A plaza near the Southside of the Capital. 1830 Hours. Nathan and Laura.

Both of them immediately changed into their combat loadout albeit they didn't use the traditional black camouflage. They used digital urban camouflage under their body armor.

"This is getting out of hand," Nathan said as he peeked from the door while holding his HK416.

"No doubt," Laura said.

The situation wasn't that advantageous for them, they weren't in the mood for a shootout as usual. They only wanted to get out of that building peacefully without causing any harm to anyone since they didn't want to do the job in the first place.

"Gimme your Cheytac," Nathan said and Laura gave him that rifle. That rifle was suppressed and packed enough punch to kill any armored target besides a contractor.