Time To Move Out: Part 14

Sunday, 26th of April 2021. A car dealership on the outskirts of the capital. 2300 Hours. Alex and Aline.

Alex was looking at the car dealership through his binocular. There was only one security guard guarding the whole dealership and that said guard was placed on a security post near the gate of that car dealer.

"Give me the Cheytac," Alex grabbed that sniper rifle from Aline's hand.

Alex aimed that suppressed rifle at the head of that guard and pulled the trigger. Blood was immediately splashed at the white wall behind the guard. It was safe to move inside that car dealer now.

Alex walked with his MP5SD in front of his shoulder. He opened the gate with his PDA ability. They only needed to find two SUVs and steal it. It wasn't a big deal since it was a car dealership, but they needed to find a perfect one.