Time To Move Out: Part 15

Tuesday, 28th of April 2021. Garret High School. 12-G. 0900 Hours.

It was a normal class as usual. The situation was normal with every contractor holding their pen or pencil on top of a blank notebook. Even the death of a teacher didn't stop the school from doing their usual class. The whole class still could see the bloodstains that the teacher left after being hit by a large-caliber machine gun.

"Psst, how long are we going to listen to his rambling?" Shaddam asked Patrick.

"I don't know, well, it's biology, what do you expect?" Patrick looked at the whiteboard that was full of bullet holes.

"And then, Mitochondria took part in the synthesis of ATP," the teacher said as she wrote on the whiteboard.

"Well, it's Aline's favorite subject," Patrick nodded his head at Aline who was writing at her notebook like crazy. She almost wrote every single point of the things that were written on the whiteboard.