Time To Move Out: Part 16

Thursday, 30th of April 2021. Garret High School. 10-A. 0920 Hours.

A student council member was aiming his gun at Patrick while she protected the other students. She fired another shot at Patrick with her semi-automatic pistol. Patrick felt the bullet hitting his body armor and immediately took cover.

Patrick shot his HK416 at the students. Rubber bullets immediately hit her and she fell to the ground from the blunt force of those rubber bullets alone. Patrick entered that room and the students were scared of him.

"Bravo, search for any bombs," Patrick said.

"Aye aye sir," Shaddam said and he searched for the bomb.

Meanwhile, Patrick put his HK416 on his hip and approached the other students. He wanted to know whether they knew the location of the bomb or not. He walked slowly to the other student's direction, he needed to know whether he should evacuate them or not.

"Do you know anything about a bomb?" Patrick asked.