Time To Move Out: Part 17

Thursday, 30th of April 2021. Garret High School. 11-A. 0930 Hours.

The explosives were semtex and it was very dangerous, but Clara handled it as if she was playing with a container of Play-Doh. It wasn't wrong that C4 and Play-Doh were kinda similar in texture, but the latter wouldn't kill you if you manage to fuck things up.

"How the heck does this kind of container goes unnoticed?" Clara asked herself as she fiddled with the wires that were hidden between the C4 and the lid of the box itself.

"No idea, but from the looks of it, someone must have fooled the students to assure them that this was some sort of Play-Doh. Well, texture-wise, it's the same," Patrick gave his hypothesis.

"Yeah, but since when someone will buy twenty kilograms of Play-Doh?" Shaddam commented as Clara was cutting some wires.