Time To Move Out: Part 18

Thursday, 30th of April 2021. Garret High School. 11-A. 0945 Hours.

One of the tires of the car was blown. It surprised Clara like hell. She almost thought that the wire cutter somehow triggered the bomb. Nevertheless, Clara continued to disarm that VBIED.

Clara: "One last wire."

The last artillery shell was put away from the car by Clara and Patrick moved it to a safe position. Clara grabbed the explosive that was placed on the car and threw it away. She stuck a C4 on the explosive and blew the explosive.

Clara: "Is there any bomb left?"

Nathan: "Nope, all clear."

Clara: "Nice. Let's just go home."

Nathan: "Hotel, Foxtrot, Delta, Lima, Serval, Alpha, Bravo, prepare your air vehicle. We're preparing for extraction."

Clara: "Copy that."

Lisa: "I'll get the Blackhawk."

Aiden: "I'll get the other Blackhawk."

Lynn: "I'll get the F-15. Come with me Serval."

Patrick: "Back in the Sukhoi I go."