Time To Move Out: Part 20

Thursday, 30th of April 2021. Trinity High School Complex. 2210 Hours.

Alex grabbed his PDA and hacked the door to open it. The car was driven inside that school complex and Clara had some sort of nostalgia on that school.

She looked around the dormitory and the park where the students used to sit down and relax. It just became full of wild grass now with few remnants of what it used to be.

"Miss this place?" Alex asked.

"Sort of. This is the place where I met Lizeth or Patrick," Clara said as she looked at the dormitory building.

The parking lot where expensive cars used to park was empty. It was a bit surreal for Clara considering that she studied there not a long time ago and she was used to seeing that kind of view every single time.

"I know that, well, we can't change the fact that our eyes aren't lying to us," Alex said as he grabbed his rugged laptop from the backseat of that Suburban.

[Relay Tower ZLY-679.]