Time To Move Out: Part 21

Thursday, 1st of May 2021. An Air Force Base. 2200 Hours. Shaddam and Aveline.

A military base in another state of that country. A place where the contractors sourced the helicopter for their heist. Aveline and Shaddam were walking to the helicopter that was in the middle of an airfield.

"Second Lieutenant Jerran and Second Lieutenant Harrison, everything is set sir," the mechanic of that helicopter said.

"Thanks, Sergeant, we'll take it from here," Shaddam said. He was posing under a fake name of Harrison.

"Very well sir," the sergeant said as he loaded cargo to the helicopter with the other soldiers. They were paletted cargo that contained weaponry and some MRE for the troops in the capital. They wouldn't arrive at the capital though, the would end up in the contractor's hands.