Time To Move Out: Part 22

Monday, 5th of May 2021. Garret High School. 1100 Hours.

"Is our principal a mad lad?" Patrick asked since his school wasn't on holiday.

"I don't know, I don't think that an atomic bomb is enough to stop him getting us into a dangerous location such as this school," Nathan commented.

They were in the classroom. They cleaned that classroom since it was Monday. Fernando and Eva were looking outside of the window. They were looking at the council member who was preparing for the next school festival.

Clara was cleaning the whiteboard with a synthetic cloth. She wanted the whiteboard to be clean. Shaddam and Aveline were cleaning the bloodstain that was on the wall.

"A bullet that struck on our teacher's head. Never thought I'll see the day," Shaddam said.

"Yeah, me too," Aveline wiped the bloodstain on the wall.

"Nathan, look!" Eva pointed her hands downstairs. She was pointing her hands at the student council members.