Time To Move Out: Part 23

Monday, 5th of May 2021. Tunnel Construction site. 2300 Hours. Stacy and Ryan.

Both of them were waiting. Stacy was on her R6 sportbike with Ryan as the passenger. They were waiting in front of that construction site, they waited for the drill to be taken outside of the construction site.

Both of them were wearing a bulletproof helmet, a Crye Airframe helmet to be exact. They also wore the chops of that helmet with the combination of the ballistic visor. They wanted to highjack the truck when it was still driven by someone.

"Ok, get ready," The truck got out of the construction site without any escort. It would be an easy and risky job. Easy because there wouldn't be any gunshot involved.

The bike was hiding in an alleyway overlooking that construction site. They needed to tail that truck from behind until it reaches the highway. The highway was a very straight road so there wouldn't be any obstruction on their way.