Time To Move Out: Part 27

Friday, 9th of May 2021. Forward Operational Base. 1900 Hours.

Aline put a blueprint of the bank in the whiteboard in that meeting room. She could have his ally place something on any point on that bank. The contractor just needs to ask.

"Ok guys, let's order something. I've asked the contact to place a medic bag, here, here, and here," Aline said as she put a marker on that blueprint.

The medical bag was placed inside of the bank. It could be useful if one of them became wounded, but Aline didn't want any contractor to be wounded or even die.

"Ok, ammo bag on the park of that depository should be nice," Nathan said as he stood up and put a mark on the map.

The ammo bag should contain more than two thousand rounds of ammunition. Calling it an ammo bag was an understatement, it was an ammo container.