Time To Move Out: Part 28

Monday, 12th of May 2021. Forward Operational Base. 0700 Hours.

Two Cars were parked in an empty lot on top of the FOB. They were the contractors' car. They were preparing for the heist.

"This is it boys, one final job and we'll get out of here," Nathan said as he looked at the contractors.

"For the money, hoorah!" Fernando shouted.

"Hoorah!" The other contractors said and they entered a car. One was used by the contractors that were going inside the storm drain while the other car was used by the contractors that were going to rob the bank aka creating a very good distraction.

Patrick: "This is Hunter 01, we're standing by for targets."

Patrick, Lynn, and Clara were Hunter team. Their job was maintaining air superiority on the surrounding region because a fighter jet was more than enough to take the whole heister down.