Time To Move Out: Part 32

Friday, 23th of May 2021. Student Council Room. 1100 Hours. Nathan and Laura.

In the student council room, the two of them met Brendon again. Brendon had called them multiple times due to the whole class absence during the school festival. Nathan didn't come since his argument remains. He still thought that the school festival was just a tradition from the school, not a regulation. He had no responsibility to come to that event since it didn't affect their grades either.

"No, I don't want to pay 100$ just for the sake of not entering," Nathan protested.

"That's the consequences, Nathan," Brendon said.

Any people would have known that two of them weren't in a good position to argue. The room was filled with sicarios that could kill them in any way they could imagine. Brendon wouldn't be standing down either since he had his sicario team in that room.