Time To Move Out: Part 33

Friday, 23th of May 2021. An apartment building in the middle of the capital. 1500 Hours. Patrick and Lynn.

Lynn pulled that person's hands gave him a command to move slowly and inconspicuously. She gave the instructions through a hand signal and Patrick looked around for any tracer that was placed on his body.

Patrick nodded. He gave the all-clear sign. Lynn whispered to that person's ear, "Don't get grumpy, don't be clumsy, follow me, but not to close." Lynn put his hands away. He looked scared. He knew that he was in trouble and he knew that he could be shot anytime.

Lynn put her hand on the doorknob and opened the door slowly. Patrick pushed the VIP to the door. The VIP followed Lynn from behind as she walked with a tablet on her hands. That tablet was equipped with a heartbeat sensor that would detect any incoming living creature that had the same heartbeat as a human.