Time To Move Out: Part 34

Friday, 21th of June 2021. Garret High School. 12-G. 1200 Hours.

The examination result had been announced to the students. All of the contractors were in the top 60 of their whole school. Nathan, Clara, Ryan, Stacy, Patrick, Alex, and Lynn were all in the top 10 with Nathan leading the way. He was the first in the whole school.

Technically, all of them could enter one of the top universities in that country if not for the ongoing civil war. All of the contractors had also planned to move out of that country right after graduation day.

The day went as usual, albeit Lynn was absent on that day for no reason whatsoever. Clara had been asked, but she said that Lynn had left their apartment at the same time when Clara had left. In short, Lynn was missing on her way to school.