Time To Move Out: Part 35

Friday, 21th of June 2021. Abandoned Warehouse. 12-G. 1300 Hours.

Patrick jumped from the helicopter with a rope attached to his body. He broke through the glass ceiling in that warehouse and aimed his assault rifle to the enemies located below him.

He was very surprised when he saw that the warehouse was quite empty. There wasn't anyone in that warehouse. Patrick stepped his feet on the warehouse and scanned the area.

The warehouse was quite empty. Dead bodies were laying around on that floor of that warehouse. Patrick realized that all of the dead bodies in that warehouse was the member of the student councils. They were wearing a casual uniform and they were dead with guns near their body.

He finally found out what was going on. In the corner of that warehouse, there was a group of people. Lynn was included in that group of special forces since she was hard to differentiate from the other groups.