Time To Move Out: Part 36 (End)

Monday, 24th of June 2021. Garret High School. 12-G. 0700 Hours.

Helena was confused when her students asked her to come to the school even though the whole class had graduated. "Good morning." Helena looked at the class. All of them were wearing a school uniform.

"Ma'am, let's have another party shall we?" Patrick stood up from his table.

"No thanks, I still have quite a hangover from last night drinking with other teachers," Helena said.

She went back to the teacher's table. Helena hadn't realized that none of the students brought their bag and there were car keys on top of every student's table. She also hadn't noticed that Lynn had two eyes now. She wasn't partially blind now. Aline gave her a new eye on Sunday right after the graduation party.

All of that happened with a reason. They would be moving out of their country today. They wanted to have a lass memento with their teacher.