Main Base: Part 2

Monday, 24th of June 2021. 28.4076588, -40.7259076, North Atlantic Ocean. 2200 Hours.

In the cargo compartment of that plane, Nathan explained the layout of that VLSF.

"Alright, listen up, here's the blueprint," Nathan said as he opened the map on his PDA.

The map on that blueprint contained most of the location on that main base. There were multiple sections on that base. Their main focus was a command center and a reactor that was located right in the middle of the base.

The reactor needed to be activated, but they hadn't known how. The blueprint should have an explanation about and Nathan was so sure about that. The blueprint told them the way to activate the rectory

First, they had to activate every single backup power generator that was located on the main base. There were ten generators in total that needed it to be activated. They also needed someone to go to the bottom floor and activated the reactor with a radiation suit.