Main Base: Part 3

Tuesday, 25th of June 2021. 28.4076588, -40.7259076, North Atlantic Ocean, Main Base. 1000 Hours.

Warm coffee and a breeze of cold wind were one of Patrick's friends as he inspected the crash site of his jet. It turned out that the landing gear was stuck in a very big hole and ripped it from the jet. As a result, the left-wing of that fighter jet hit the ground and was ripped apart from the plane.

'Nathan is not going to buy me another jet either. Shit' Patrick sipped his coffee. The cold wind breeze of air was disturbed by the smell of gunpowder in the middle of the day. Apparently, someone just threw a buoy into the ocean.

"Light 'em up!" Nathan said.

The Stryker IFV was equipped with a 20mm autocannon and it was shot at the buoy that was thrown from the VLFS.  The operator of that autocannon shot the autocannon at the direction of that buoy. It exploded into small pieces as HE 20mm rounds hit it.

"Good job!" Nathan shouted.