Main Base: Part 4

Tuesday, 25th of June 2021. Fifty kilometers offshore of Punta De Maisi, Cuba. 1300 Hours. Alex, Patrick, and Nathan.

Three people were sitting down in the osprey. The plane refueled at an F-15 equipped with a refueling kit that Clara piloted with Lynn. They were only fifty kilometers outside of Cuban borders

"Refueling is complete. Have a safe flight. I'll return to base." The plane moved away from that Osprey and they returned to the main base.

Patrick and the others were preparing themselves to jump from that osprey. The Cuban government wouldn't like an Osprey appearing from the middle of nowhere from their radars. Patrick and the others had to enter Cuba stealthy. Luckily, there was a way to do that.

"Listen, after we jump. We have to open our parachute immediately. Patrick will do the guidance," Nathan said.