Main Base: Part 5

Tuesday, 25th of June 2021. Punta De Maisi, Cuba. 1500 Hours. Alex, Patrick, and Nathan.

A training camp. A place where the narcos were trained to be effective in combat. In that place, rifles and ammo were scattered almost everywhere. The contractors sneakily crawled on the ground with Alex scanning the surrounding area.

"Three tangoes," Alex said as he observed his tablet.

"Keep it quiet. Initiating radio silence," Nathan said.

The contractors crawled in the ground with their rifles in their hands. They were going to take down threw of the narcos at once with their tranquilizer rifle.

Nathan gave them a hand signal. 'Ready?' Patrick responded by nodding his head and he put his eyes at the holographic sight of that assault rifle.

Nathan raised his hand and the contractors shot a tranquilizer round at the narcos. Three of them immediately fell to the ground and the contractors immediately rushed to scan their bodies.