Why I Became A Contractor: Part 1

Tuesday, 25th of June 2021. SDC Main Base 1700 Hours.

Two figures with a standard-issue woodland uniform were in the upper platform of the main base. Patrick sat down on the floor of the upper deck of the main base. His eyes were directed at the sunset on that blue sea. He took a rest with Lynn on that upper deck.

"How was it?" Lynn caressed Patrick's back.

"Well, it was an easy day compared to our usual nature of the operation," Patrick said.

"I see," Lynn said as she was fiddling around with her PDA. She wanted to check on the item that was available to be developed due to the advancement in the team.

[Improved 5.56 Ammo LV.1]

5.56 ammo that has been tapered with better combustible material. Increasing the pressure in the bullet casing and increasing the velocity of the bullet itself. Increasing the effectiveness of 5.56 bullet by 30%

[Develop?] [YES|NO]