Why I Became A Contractor: Part 2

"Wait... An event?" Patrick asked.

"Yup," Lynn said.


Before I could tell you about what happened next, I should have told you what I had done nine days before the whole shit fell apart. This was some sort of foolish idea on my part, back when I still believed that justice was still available on this world.

I would say that I used to be your average goody two shoes. I also snitched some of my friends back then. However, there was one circumstance when I regretted my snitchy behavior. It was Wednesday afternoon. I was helping the teachers since that was what I usually did when I was in the ninth grade.

The teachers' room was weirdly empty that afternoon. I was only helping one of the teachers at that moment. I was helping her doing rearranging her working space since she would move outside of that school.

"Alright, that should be the last of it." The teacher put a box on top of her table.

"Is everything packed yet ma'am?" Lynn asked.