Why I Became A Contractor: Part 6

Echo slammed my face to the ground. He shot his ME at a person that was shooting at me. Many holes were made on the body of that person. Liquid pouring out from his body, whether it was abdominal content or blood. It was disgusting. I puked on my balaclava.

"Are you ok? Jeez, that's gross." Echo helped me to stand up. He looked at the yellowish and black balaclava that I wore. It was stinky, but I couldn't hold it.

"This is combat, we don't have time to reminisce," Echo said. He kicked the door where the kid came from and shot his grenade launcher in that room.

I continued walking to the edge of the house while aiming the MP7 at anyone in front of me. I saw a hand coming out from a room. I shot at that hand in precaution. The person let out a very manly scream and countered by shooting his weapon to me.