Why I Became A Contractor: Part 7

I approached the window and peeked who was outside, it was Patrick. He brought something on his hands. He brought a metal pot that could be full of food. I couldn't change my clothes now, and it would be rude to refuse Patrick. I needed to act fast.

"Patrick, you can leave the pot in front of the door. I'm still in the bathroom," I said.

"Ok, are you sure you don't want me to come inside?" Patrick asked from outside.

'Is this man an idiot?' I almost wanted to slam Patrick with the stock of my new weapon, but I simply couldn't do that since I still wanted to preserve my identity.

"No. Get out!" I shouted from behind the door. Patrick immediately flinched from the door and walked away from my house. I took a drop breath once he walked away from my house. I felt safe from the danger of that idiot.