Why I Became A Contractor: Part 8

Thursday, 20th Of February 2018. Old Town. Bedford Park. 2200 Hours.

Bedford Park. A place where people usually came to relax and enjoy the view of the city. It was located in the middle of the city, but at night, it was full of homeless people. I've been waiting for a hidden place near that park. I waited until the dark on top of a tree overlooking the park itself. Sierra must have planted the tool on that park, and I have to retrieve it.

According to the coordinates on my phone, the device was located between the bushes on the southwest corner of the park. The device was a box that had an Ethernet cable on it. I could plug it to any laptop and hacked it with Sierra's help.

I climbed down the tree and walked to the park. The moon was shining brightly. Snoring people were around that park. I walked inside that park. I went to the southwest direction to search for that device that Sierra hid.