Why I Became A Contractor: Part 9

Monday, 5th Of March 2018. Lynn's junior high school. 9-B Classroom.

Farl McFarlane. I swore that the idiot kept chasing ghosts. He kept searching for evidence for things that I didn't do. Still, I knew for a fact that he was a scum that must be exterminated from this face of the earth. There was a reason for that, but most of the time, it was for my personal vendetta.

"Lynn, I told you multiple times. Just admit that you take the 2$ from Lane's bag," He said.

"The problem is that I didn't take it. Give it up Farl." I tried to leave the classroom, but that gungho kept obstructing my way.

If the situation was more complicated than this, I would just take my Glock from my bag and shoot him right in the belly, but it wasn't that complicated. A slight push was more than enough to solve the problem at the moment.