Why I Became A Contractor: Part 10

Monday, 5th Of March 2018.

"Charlie, Echo is moving towards the objective." Echo walked with his assault rifle towards the most expensive car in that area.

"Copy that." Charlie threw away the empty tube and pulled out her Barrett sniper rifle. She shot the rifle multiple times at the incoming hostiles. The .50 BMG blew their bodies one by one.

I kept pulling the trigger of my MG5 until the belt magazine ran out and had to be replaced with a new belt. I threw away the empty box and reloaded my MG5. The MG5 kept spewing out bullets until I stopped pulling the trigger since there were no more hostile in that street.

"CEASE FIRE!" Echo shouted as he planted a C4 on the car door. Echo ran away from that car door and he pressed the detonator on his hand. The car exploded into some fiery fireworks and the target was eliminated by that explosion.