Why I Became A Contractor: Part 14

Friday, 9th Of March 2018. 1400 Hours. 9-G.

[From Echo]

I've tweaked your skill tree. You can resist 9mm bullets and used [Focus] skill now. Simply put, you have the ability to slow time down now. Just say the word and the ability will activate. Alright, good luck, Lynn.

[End of the message]

That person, Echo, really wanted to keep me alive although I didn't want to be kept alive. Even if I tried to suicide using one of my weapons, that person would stop me before I even knew it. Simply put, he was hated and loved by me.

The class had finished. It was time to go home. Farl and Sissy didn't make any fuse so I wouldn't have anything to worry about when I went back to my home, but before that, I would go to a coffee shop located twenty blocks away from my school.

I packed my belongings and put them inside my bag. I helped the class by cleaning the whiteboard. I grabbed my backpack from my chair and walked away to the door of that classroom.